Aluminium Alloys - Aluminium 5083 Properties, Fabrication and Applications, Supplier Data by Aalco
Metallurg Aluminium’s ALTAB™ alloying tablets are used in casthouses world-wide for the manufacture of high-quality aluminium alloys in applications such as rolling ingot for foilstock and canstock, billet for precision extrusions and high-quality foundry casting alloys. For the precise compositional adjustment of alloy melts or for bulk element addition, ALTAB™ is the optimum choice.
ALTAB from Metallurg Aluminium
ALTAB™’s popularity has grown steadily since its introduction in the early 1980s. These concentrated additives are a carefully controlled mixture of alloying element (75%, 80%, 85% and in some cases up to 100%) in powder, sponge or needle form, aluminium powder and optional sodium-free non-hygroscopic flux. Dissolution relies on the alloying element powder particles forming aluminides. Stirring the melt greatly enhances dispersion of the aluminides, resulting in improved recoveries.
Flux for Speedy Dissolution
Some ALTAB™ grades contain flux – preferred where speed of dissolution is important or when low melt temperatures and stirring difficulty are issues. The flux aids in removal of the oxide film found on any powder, sponge or needle particle to expose the metallic element to molten aluminium, promoting rapid dissolution.
Key Features
· Rapid dissolution at normal casthouse operating temperatures.
· Concentrated form means reduced inventory, transport and storage costs compared with binary master alloys.
· High element recovery – typically over 95%.
· Minimal temperature loss upon addition.
· Accurate and clean addition with no weighing needed for packaged product.
· Rapid, consistent solubility of self-sinking tablets means less energy and less cost.
· Precise weight and easy handling with color-coded, light-weight packs.
ALTAB™ Recommended Addition Practice
After calculating the required addition, skim off heavy dross and add the self-sinking ALTAB™ packs, or individual tablets evenly over the melt surface. Hold the bath temperature for 5-10 minutes, with a recommended minimum temperature of 720°C (1,328°F), then stir well to maximize recovery and homogeneity. To make our product range even more versatile, we offer a line of mini-ALTAB™ alloying tablets.
These smaller tablets were developed for applications such as additions to channel induction furnaces, transfer launders, semi-automatic bulk charging systems and precise compositional adjustment for smaller foundries. Our versatile briquetted compacts also allow accurate addition and adjustment in many applications.
Product Forms and Packaging
ALTAB™ is plastic shrink-wrapped (typical) or aluminium foil-wrapped to reduce dust and to ensure a damage-free, dry product. ALTAB™ packs are contained in cardboard boxes, and shipped securely stacked on wooden pallets.
Mini-ALTAB™ tablets are supplied in easy-to-handle paper sacks, or in large bulk bags. Distinct color coding of all packaging ensures clear identification of the alloying element contained.
Element | Symbol | ALTAB 75 | ALTAB 80 | ALTAB 85 | Typical Density (g/cm3) |
Chromium | Cr | 74.0-76.0 | 79.0-81.0 | - | 4.0 |
Copper | Cu | 74.0-76.0 | 79.0-81.0 | - | 4.5 |
Iron | Fe | 74.0-76.0 | 79.0-81.0 | - | 4.0 |
Manganese | Mn | 74.0-76.0 | 79.0-81.0 | 84.0-86.0 | 4.0 |
Nickel | Ni | 74.0-76.0 | 79.0-81.0 | - | 4.5 |
Titanium | Ti | 74.0-76.0 | 79.0-81.0 | - | 2.8 |
Zinc | Zn | 74.0-76.0 | 79.0-81.0 | - | 4.0 |

Metallurg Aluminium's Technical Service
ALTAB™’s versatility and cost-effectiveness, combined with Metallurg Aluminium’s experience in casting processes, can enhance your production and improve your bottom line.
Product Quality
Metallurg Aluminium’s pursuit of the highest level of quality is reflected in the rigorous ongoing assessment of all our metal treatment alloys and aluminium master alloys. Our products are inspected, examined for consistency and metal cleanliness and tested to international standards.
Metallurg Aluminium’s world-wide production facilities at London & Scandinavian Metallurgical Co Limited (LSM) in England, Shieldalloy Metallurgical Corporation (SMC) in the United States and Companhia Industrial Fluminense (CIF) in Brazil are each registered to the ISO 9001:2000 quality standard. Our Total Quality Management (TQM) philosophy and commitment to quality assure our customers that all of our products meet exacting standards.
Global Logistics and Delivery
Metallurg Aluminium’s global logistics and production ensure reliable delivery of our master alloys, metal treatment alloys, grain refiners and compacted alloying products. Responsive technical support and process expertise mean our products will meet the demands of your specific application with high performance and economy.
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